
Download GetSimple CMS CE

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Get Simple CMS CE (MA Included)


Cutting Edge Dev Branch


Patch Only ...

Get Simple CMS CE


*Patch requires a minimum version of 3.3.16

Single File ...

Single File Installer / Updater




  • Extract zip file to your web host
  • Visit your domain and navigate to /admin (or your gsadmin path set in gsconfig), you will be redirected to the upgrade and install scripts

NOTE: Your site will be automatically put in maintenance mode during installs or upgrades.



GetSimple v3.3.16 or newer required!!

  • Always create a backup to protect against the unexpected!
  • Overwrite existing files with the files included in this patch.
  • After uploading open to complete the upgrade.

New as of v3.3.19.1

Update your existing "gsconfig.php" with the following:

Add New:

# Login Page Default Language; $LANG = 'en_EN'; // es_ES, pl_PL, de_DE, uk_UK, etc. 
# Sort admin page list by title or menu define('GSSORTPAGELISTBY','menu');

Replace section:

# WYSIWYG editor height (default 500) 
# define('GSEDITORHEIGHT', '400'); 
# WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config]) 
# define('GSEDITORTOOL', 'advanced'); 
# WYSIWYG editor language (default en) 
# define('GSEDITORLANG', 'en'); 
# WYSIWYG Editor Options # define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', '');

With updated:

# WYSIWYG editor height (default 500) 
# define('GSEDITORHEIGHT', '400'); 
# WYSIWYG editor language (default en) 
# define('GSEDITORLANG', 'en'); 
# WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic, CEbar, island or [custom config]) 
define('GSEDITORTOOL', "CEbar"); 
# WYSIWYG Editor Options define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', ' extraPlugins:"fontawesome5,youtube,codemirror,cmsgrid,colorbutton,
oembed,simplebutton,spacingsliders", disableNativeSpellChecker : false, forcePasteAsPlainText : true ');



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Why should you trust us?

We are creating a community that does not want to abandon such an important project. We work ourselves using the GetSimple CMS CE solution. The current official website of the project is not sufficiently developed. Hence the idea to change it.

Multicolor & Islander